Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dubai Drivers Why?

had a nasty experience again on the roads of Dubai.

Doing the speed limit of 120kph on the Emirates road a group of lads in local dress came up behind me flashing their head lights at me as if their life depended on it.

Unable to move over due to traffic on my right , I continued along at now just above the speed limit.

The car behind me was now just a few inches at most away from my rear bumper. Honking on his horn and continuing to flash like mad.

I found space to move over a minute or so along the road and the car behind me promptly pulled along side me and forced me to swerve into the inside lane to avoid a crash.

Now if I was to give these guys "the finger" or even just a piece of my mind; it's me that would get prosecuted.

What is it that turns usually mild mannered locals into mad men when they get behind the wheel of a car?

Small ???????? one would imagine. (self edited as the truth often leads to arrest)


Jassim said...

I dont think being Emirati is the reason why a person will go crazy the second they put the ignition on dear.

Its because we are just less likely to get into trouble if we survive the accident. Besides its usually kids who act this dumb on the road.

As for your theory: No dear, being big ?????? is part of being descended from Bedouins >;-)

Anonymous said...

Why do you think there was no space to your right? That is the question you should ask yourself. If there were cars overtaking you on the right lane, and another car behind you "flashing like mad", then you should not have been on the left lane to begin with. The left lanes are only for overtaking. Obviously, you were not. Quite the opposite, in fact. Do not confuse cause and effect.

The fact that you were "doing the speed limit of 120kph" does not help. Streets are not the right place for paedagogical measures.

Marcus Aurelius said...


Maybe the traffic on the right was driving 100 and UD was passing them?

Nothing in UD's description of events leads me to believe he was just cruising instead of passing.

On the road from Al-Ain to DXB when passing I made sure the road in the left lane was open for a mile and if it was not I paid attention to that car. Even if going 10 - 20 kph faster than the car I was passing occasionally I would find someone on my bumper blinking their lights.

You are correct to a certain extent, young guys no matter what nationality will always take greater risks, drive crazier etc. However, the level of crazy driving was just greater even among the young. The police need to get more ability to make sure everyone is following the traffic laws and pull people over and write them tickets (or arrest if needed).

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