Monday, July 03, 2006

bud bud bud bud make mine a bud

Came accross this gem today:

Check out "THE SINGSONS"

It is quality from the entertaining people at BADMASH; check them out.

More on our very own HOT TOPIC; I present:

Very Politically Incorrect Humour......Now you have been warned; if this type of things offends then go play somewhere else ok.

A selection of politically incorrect one liners

What's red and hangs from a tree ?
A sanitary owl

Do you know why they call it the Wonder Bra?
When you take it off you wonder where her tits went.

Whats the difference between acne and a Catholic Priest?
Acne will usually not come on a kid's face until around 13 or 14 years of age.

What do you call a lesbian with big fingers?
Well hung.

Why are women and condoms so similar?
Because they're either on your dick or in your wallet.

What do Americans use as contraception?
Their personalities.

A girl and a boy were at the back of the cinema, kissing passionately. When they come up for air, the boy says, "I really love kissing you, but do you mind not passing me your chewing gum." The girl replies, "It's not chewing gum, I've got bronchitis."

How can you tell when you've passed an Elephant?
You can't close the loo seat

Q: What do you call a pissed Arab?

*There was another "Arab" joke here; but I am afraid to post it folks! which is very sad as I should not be afraid to post anything, BUT, I am living in the UAE and don't want to be stoned, well when I say stoned I mean......oh you know what I mean, back to the "jokes".........

What's the difference between an Essex girl and a computer ?
You only have to punch information into a computer once.

Q: Why do Sumo wrestlers shave their legs?
A: So they don't get mistaken for feminists

How do you circumcise a whale?
With four skin divers

What's got two legs and bleeds?
Half a dog!

Q: What's brown and taps at the window
A: A poo on stilts!


Taunted said...

Oh go on - post it, you know you want to

Jayne said...

Yeah, g'on..........dare ya!

Axonsax said...

LOL - I should, I know! but to be honest it was not that funny (even for my twisted sense of humour!)and I don;t want to go the way of Lurpak. You know some people are just sooooo touchy...

Keef said...

What's brown and sticky?

Axonsax said...

a brown stick?

Tainted Female said...

axonsax... that joke you're refusing to post... (for your own good, I know)... there are three parts to it actually...

what's an arab with ham on his head...


what's an arab with lots of ham...


and then.. the one even I won't post... (not even in comments)


Taunted said...

Do you know why the camel is called "The ship of the desert"

Cos it's full of Arab semen!

Axonsax said...

lol - good one people; and yes it was a three parter, different but the same.

Our hosts will piss themselves watching repeats of Mr Bean and a custard pie in the face? funniest thing you could possibly see happen, save the bucket of water skit I suppose......